``When everything comes together - the music, lyrics, personality of the singer, and the memorable hook, a jingle can be the best way to brand a company. That's what we strive for every time.``

WORKS Axon Studios // Portfolio

PROCESS // How we work

Communication starts with understanding

Before we begin a project, we listen. At Axon Studios, we know that no one knows your business better than you. So tell us about yourself. Together, we’ll profile your business strengths and needs, and evaluate your market and competition. Our research methods, combined with 20 years’ experience creating award winning ads, will give you a ThemeSong that will cut through the clutter, reach your customers, and produce great results for years to come!


Discovery and Assessment

Phone conference with Axon creative team and key personnel at company including owner/manager, marketing manager, and sales manager. If the business has more than one location those responsible for advertising at each location should be involved as well.

Review current marketing materials including signage, brochures, direct mail, and web site.

Assess the local marketplace through knowledge gained in the interview process, competitor ads and competitor web sites.

Ask the following questions

What is special about your company

Why do you think people should come to you instead of your competitors

Can you exploit your competition’s weaknesses or “reposition” their strengths

How do you want your customers and potential customers to “feel” about your business

What are your business strengths-what do your customers feel are your business strengths

Do you have a niche in your marketplace or can you create a niche in the marketplace

What is your mission statement




We will develop a ThemeSong that:

Connects with the audience on an emotional level

Sums up what the business stands for and can be used with every department

Is catchy, memorable, believable, and unique

Helps to differentiate the company from its competition




Present lyrics first and sing to client.

Adjust or redo lyrics if necessary.

Present music ideas over the phone for approval on direction.

Proceed to final production and deliver final product on CD.


Package Contents

30 second full song

Four 30 second donuts

Two 30 second open fronts

Four 60 second donuts

Two 60 second open fronts

60 second Instrumental

30 second Instrumental


Pricing & Terms

We price according to size and quantity of markets required

$1,000 deposit with balance payable on approval of finished production

All work is guaranteed

LONGEVITY // Great jingles stand the test of time

Here’s four jingles that are still going strong after more than a decade. Talk about return on investment!

WHY // The Power Of Song

Emotional Impact:
Everyone in advertising knows that emotion sells. And nothing conveys emotion better than music. That’s why every nation on earth has a national anthem.

Mnemonic Impact:
There is no better way to remember a name, a product or a slogan, than to hear it sung. That’s how we teach kids their ABCs.

Relational Impact:
The style of music sets the mood.

BRANDING // Client Listing

What’s in a name?

It all depends on how you feel about it!
If the name is Rolex, it feels prestigious and therefore worth more money.
If the name is McDonald’s it feels like a fun place for kids.
If the name is IBM, it feels established and professional.

You may or may not have any actual experience with the above-mentioned product, retail establishment, or service, but nevertheless you have a feeling for them. How is that possible? Through branding. Branding is how you tell the world what you stand for. Branding is what turns people’s thoughts about your business into feelings about your business – even if they’ve never been there!

Generate a feeling and you start a relationship…

In today’s competitive and volatile business climate, the winners will be those who understand that they are no longer just selling products and services. They are selling a relationship. And that relationship starts by telling your potential customer who you are and what you stand for. It starts with your brand identity. Branding is the most powerful tool to help you get into the consumer’s mind. How you use it is equally important!

Branding improves top of mind awareness

Only 10% of your audience is ready to buy today. If your advertising message focuses primarily on that 10%, then you are wasting an opportunity to affect the other 90%, and therefore wasting money. The answer? Include brand-building with every event and promotion. By reminding the public of what you stand for with every sale you put on, not only do more people pay attention to your message, the sale becomes more meaningful for the people interested in the sale itself. Top of mind awareness is even more important with big-ticket items because the purchase decision can take many months. By utilizing your brand strategy with every sale, event, and promotion, you will achieve both short-term sales goals as well as long-term growth goals.

Get more mileage from your advertising

We’ve all done the math. Earning interest on your interest builds your savings account faster than earning interest only on your principal. The same holds true for advertising. This season’s campaign should build on last season’s campaign. Your print advertising should build on your radio, internet, direct mail, and TV advertising. Your service manager’s message should build on your sales manager’s message. What compound interest is to savings, compound impact is to advertising.

Put it all together with Brand Alignment

Brand Alignment is achieved when all forms of your communications reinforce each other. Every time the public thinks of your name, they understand who you are and what you stand for. Every advertising dollar you spend helps build your image, without mixed messages. Every time your ads are seen or heard, they trigger the emotional response that you want them to. But most importantly, when someone thinks of your industry, they think of you!

Advertising with a brand strategy is easy!

In fact, all of your advertising chores will become less time-consuming. Your promotions simply plug in to the big picture instead of you having to come up with the big idea every time.

Get more mileage from your advertising

As every media representative will tell you, you pay so much per impression. Of course the quality of that impression is totally dependent on the quality of the message. Too many advertisers make up for poor creative with increased frequency and that can get expensive! What ads do you remember? Which ones make you feel positive about the advertiser? Was it how often you heard them, or what was actually said? Just as in any effective communication, you’ve got to get people’s attention before they will listen. That’s what branding does. By appealing to their feelings, branding opens the door to your prospects’ minds. It’s the glue that makes your promotional message stick. The more impact each message has, the less media you have to buy to repeat it. Ad budgets are not infinite and need to be controlled. The question is always how best to spend your money. The compound impact and money-saving effects of Brand Alignment is the most efficient path.

We can help you create one

Creating an effective brand identity is an important investment that every business needs to make. It should not be viewed simply as an expense because your good name is arguably your most important asset! Although most business owners have a good grasp of their business, it often takes an outside opinion to look at things in a new way. We have over twenty years’ experience in helping companies focus their message.

View our Process


Baker’s Dozen Donuts
Beaver Lumber
Cayne’s Super Housewares
Centreville Amusement
Cotton Ginny
CountryStyle Donuts
Cineplex Odeon
Cullen Gardens
Deblin’s Linens

Ft. Erie Racetrack
Golf Evolutions
Great Gulf Homes
Greco Pizza
Greenpark Homes
H. Williams Jewellery

Ivory Soap
Kelsey’s Restaurants
Lube Factory
Mailboxes Etc.
Pioneer Electronics
Pizza Hut
Reid’s Heritage Homes

Sherway Gardens
St. Clair Paint
Topper’s Pizza
Yogen Früz


Adray Appliances
Advance Furniture
All Seasons Spas
American Commodore
Alternet Communications
American Eagle Fireplaces
American Transmissions
Art Moran Pontiac GMC
BASF Plastics
Cableviews Magazine
Carron Classics
Cleveland Lighting
Cooperative Services
Cotton Club Ginger Ale
Crittenton Hospital

Dammon Hardware
Discover Communications
Dearborn Credit Union
Discover Communications
Farmer John’s Greenhouse
Fitness Things
Forest Lawn Cemetery
General RV Center
Gorno Ford
Grandma’s Loft
Henkel Surface Tech.
Hodges Subaru
Jet’s Pizza
Kenny Carpets

Leafguard Gutters
Les Stanford Chevrolet
Livonia Chrysler Jeep
MacMachen Marine
Majic Window
Marinelli’s Restaurant
Market Square
Midwest Ford
Miller’s Big Red
Modis Solutions
N. A. Mans Lumber
Pierre’s Ice Cream
RKO Theaters
Rochester Downtown
Russ Milne Ford

Sibley’s Shoes
Spader RV
St. Joseph Mercy Oakland
Straith Clinic
Suburban Olds Cadillac
Today’s Fireplace and Spa
Universal Mortgage
UT Automotive
Volunteers of America
Walsh College
Warren Chateau
Weinberg Campus
Wow Electronics
Zubor Buick

ABOUT // The Team

Since 1982 Axon Studios has been producing award-winning jingles, writing TV themes, and working to be a positive force in the media landscape. As you can hear from the examples on this site, we are fortunate to work with only the best singers, musicians, and announcers – many with national and international reputations. It takes great talent to achieve the nuance necessary to make believable and impactful advertising. We know what it takes, and we go for it.



George is a guitarist, composer, producer who got his music degree from York U many years ago and never looked back. Besides hundreds of jingles, George has written scores for theatre productions, movies and TV themes.

He worked at Daniel Lanois’ studio as an engineer besides running his own recording studios since the 70’s. He continues to perform with various bands, and keeps the music spirit alive.

George has spent many hours in radio station boardrooms, meeting with radio reps and their clients so he understands that dynamic. He has also given numerous presentations on branding both in Canada and the US.


Composer Arranger

Ed’s musical career began in Toronto’s Yorkville Village. He migrated to Los Angeles, re-settled in Hamilton, and finally returned to Toronto. He has played and recorded with such varied artists as Rick James, Daniel Lanois, Steve Miller and Raffi.He’s played Massey Hall, Maple Leaf Gardens, The Whiskey A Go Go, and The Fillmore West, sharing the stage with people like B.B King, Jimi Hendrix, Chicago and Santana.

Ed is still very active in the live music scene, playing everything from blues to funk, roots to gypsy jazz.Ed has written over 2,000 jingles, covering almost every product or service imaginable. For eleven years he was the musical director of CTV’s “Live It Up”.Ed’s creative association with George Axon spans over thirty years, and he looks forward to the next thirty years of “The George and Ed Show”.

CONTACT // Information